Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwestern Ohio

  • 709 Madison Avenue Marvin Whitfield
    709 Madison Avenue
    Toledo, OH 43604 | Map
  • (419) 243-4600 (419) 243-4600
  • Description

    Our organization offers three forms of youth programs:

    Community-Based Mentoring: This program fosters one-to-one relationships through outings and activities that the Big and Little (8-17) enjoy together. These relationships play a crucial role in our mission to positively impact children's lives, providing them with unique experiences and opportunities for growth.

    Empowering Future Leaders(EFL): This program focuses on four primary development areas for youth (6-17): Life Skills, Leadership Development, cultural competence, and Career Development. Participants also participate in STEAM activities as part of their career development.

    Beyond School Walls: Addresses the gap in workforce readiness programming by engaging youth, grades 6-12, in an office setting for regular, one-to-one meetings with a professional mentor from a partner company.

  • Products and Services Youth development programs.
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